Topsail Hill Preserve State Park offers events and activities all summer long. Many of the events are informative tours accompanied by a knowledgeable guide. For the rest of July and into August, South Walton will provide adventures focused on getting in touch with the local wildlife. Following is a list of the dates and events as they occur chronologically. -July 11: From 2-3pm, the park will host a Campfires and Campfire Cooking program that teaches the safety, cooking techniques, and a host of other tips and tidbits. Entry fee is $6 -July 18: From 2-3pm, the park invites you to learn about the shells, seeds, bones, and other things you can find locally. Entry fee is $6 -July 23: From 3-4pm, the park will host an informative program on the now endangered Choctawhatchee Beach Mouse. Visitors will learn about the fragile, depleted habitat that is quickly disappearing. -July 25: From 2-3pm, learn about the popular sport of surf fishing. Learn about gear, bait, common fish, and what times of the year you will catch certain species. -August 1: From 2-3pm, the park will host a seminar on the Sea Turtles that have been laying their eggs in the area. Learn facts about the turtles and learn how to preserve these majestic creatures.